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You can make a difference...

Help us change the world, one breath at a time!

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We are fundraising to help people feel and live better.

The practice of yoga has made a profound difference in each of our lives. It is the goal of yoga in action to remove the barriers that limit access to yoga in certain populations.

Our Mission

To ensure all people have access to the therapeutic benefits of yoga

regardless of social, physical, and financial barriers.

Our Vision

All people realize their power to

connect, transform, heal and thrive

through yoga.

Yoga in Action is a yoga service organization which helps people navigate life's challenges by providing accessible yoga programs to individuals in a wide variety of settings and circumstances. Yoga is a low cost, high impact modality that can support the mental and physical health of ANYONE. These programs are fueled by our dedicated staff, experienced teachers and the expertise of our partner organizations in the community.